The Falkland Islands and South Atlantic
List of plants and flowers Falkland Islands, vanilla daisy image

FALKLANDS PLANTS AND FLOWERS -Click on an image to open the flower page

almond flower Almond flower Luzruriaga marginata balsam bog Balsam Bog Bolax gummifera
arrow leaved marigold Arrow-leaved Marigold Caltha sagittata Astelia Soft Camp Bog- Astelia pumila
Antarctic Bedstraw Galium antarcticicum boxwood Boxwood Hebe elliptica
button weed Buttonweed Leptinella scariosa christmas bush Christmas Bush Baccaris magellanica
Common storksbill Erodium cicutarium coastal nassauvia Coastal Nassauvia Nassauvia guadichaudii
Dove's-foot crane's bill Geranium molle fachine Fachine Chiliotrichum diffusum
feltons flower Felton's Flower Calandrinia feltonii gorse Gorse Ulex europaeus
felwort Felwort Gentianella magellanica Tufted Azorella Azorella monantha
Lesser sea-spurrey Spergularia marina sheeps sorrel Sheep's Sorrel Rumex acetosella
pimpernel Pimpernel Anagallis alternifolia Heath Speedwell Veronica officinalis
scurvy grass Scurvy grass Oxalis enneaphylla falklands violet Common Violet Viola maculata
lavender Falklands Lavender Perezia recurvata link to field pansy Field Pansy Viola arvensis
thrift Falklands Thrift Armeria macloviana silvery buttercup Silvery buttercup Hamadryas argentea
sundew Sundew Drosera uniflora ssmooth ragwort Falkland Smooth Ragwort Senecio vaginatus
berry lobelia Berry lobelia Pratia repens woolly ragwort Falklands Woolly Ragwort Senecio littoralis
dog orchid Dog Orchid Codonorchis lessonii orange hawksweed Orange Hawkweed Heiracium aurantiacum
pale yellow orchid Pale Yellow Orchid Gavilea australis dandelions Gillies Dandelion  Taraxacum gilliesii / Taraxacum officinale
gaudichauds orchid Gaudichaud's Orchid Chloraea gaudichaudii Dandelion  Taraxacum gilliesii
yellow orchid Yellow Orchid Gavilea littoralis marsh daisy Marsh daisy Aster vahlii
ladyslipper Lady's Slipper Calceolaria fothergillii hairy daisy Hairy daisy Erigeron incertus
yellow pale maiden Yellow Pale Maiden Sisyrinchium chilense vanilla daisy Vanilla Daisy Leucheria suaveolens
pale maiden Pale Maiden Olsynium filifolium prickly burr Prickly Burr Acaena magellanica
dusty miller Dusty Miller Primrose Primula magellanica strawberry Falklands Strawberry Rubus geoides
mouse ear weed Field Mouse Ear Cerastium arvense diddle dee Diddle-dee Empetrum rubrum
snake plant Snake Plant Nassauvia serpens bead plant Bead Plant Nertera granadenis
Falkland Rock-cress Phlebolobium maclovianum pig vine Pig Vine Gunnera magellanica
wild celery Wild Celery Apium australe mountain berry Mountain Berry Gaultheria pumila
sea cabbage Sea cabbage Senecio candidans tea berries Teaberry 'Malvina Berry' Myrteola nummularia
short rush Short rush Rostkovia magellanica pondweed Pondweed, Water-milfoil Myriophyllum quitense
tall fern Tall fern Blechnum magellanicum cinnamon grass Cinnamon grass Hierochloe redolens
fern small Small Fern Blechnum penna-marina whitegrass White Grass Cortaderia pilosa
Maidenhair Fern Adiantum chilense tussac grass Tussac Grass Poa flabellata
Adder's tongue Ophioglossum crotalophoroides marram sand grass Marram 'Sand' Grass Ammophila arenaria
    monterey cypress tree Monterey Cypress Cupressus macrocarpa

Photographic credits: Header: Ali Marlane Marsh, Robert Maddocks, Terry Spruce
Photographs and Images Copyright: The images on this site have been bought under licence or have been used with the permission of their owners. They may not be copied or downloaded in any form without their owner's consent













